
Perut Ikan

Nota Dari si Pencuri (U)

Nota: Kesahihan nota ni tidak dapat dikenal pasti. Sebab benda ni orang forward-forward kat email je. Liputan berita dari akhbar tempatan boleh dibaca disini: Utusan dan The Star

From Sin Chiew Daily. Letter from the thief who stole the Selangor Chief of Police's car last week.

Dear Datuk,
I really did not know that it was your car. Please believe me that I really did not realise that it was a police chief's official car. However, why was it my target among so many cars in Selangor? Moreover,it was only an ordinary Proton. Please do not blame me. Even though it was an inadvertence, there was a reason behind it.

Our industry has been rapidly grew in recent years and there are markets for new, old, domestic, imported, luxury and ordinary cars. Even if it is just an old Proton, some of its parts can still be sold for money. That was also why your car was targeted that day. Please do not blame the poor anti-theft system, and do not be angry with the additional car security system. In fact, these devices are just decorations for car thieves in Malaysia. They are not even a challenge for us.

Even for expensive security equipment, which is usually installed in luxury cars with satellite tracking system that can stop engine operation, we can still break it within the first 10 minutes, drive it onto a container another 10 minutes later, send it to Port Klang after another 20 minutes and it takes another 10 minutes to ship it to foreign country.

As for your car, it required only 2 minutes.The business is too good while the crime detection rate...I am sorry, but I think we do not need to mention more about it. In terms of the rate of return, it is indeed a non-risky business with extraordinarily high returns that does not require any capital at all. It is certainly the most promising industry in Malaysia with the largest development space.

Even during the national economic doldrums, it can still contribute to the country's economic growth.
For example, the second-hand spare parts market, from engines to cup holders, islargely relying on our supply. Also, we can earn a lot of foreign exchange if we sell the cars to foreign countries.

The high stolen car rate and low crime detection rate also led to the development of the insurance industry. We should also be credited for the increase of premiums.Datuk, if you do not want your car to be stolen again next time, the only way is to write a note stating your identity and display it on yourdashboard. We would be very delighted to give you our full cooperation. Also, I saw that police forensic officers were trying to search for  clues in the car. I am sure it was a tough work for them. I forgot to leave another note to tell you that I had actually asked someone to thoroughly wash your car for a few times.If fingerprints are found, you may get the samples from the Immigration. They belong to a Bangladesh.

I had removed the Global Positioning System (GPS) in your car to avoid leaving any record. Initially, I was planning to install a more advanced system for you, but as I was in a bit of rush this time, so maybe next time.

your truly,
car thief.

IkanStim 2.0 says: This is obviously an internet troll.


Gochika said...

heh heh ad ajuga macam ni kah

miss hav0c said...

ngoks r pencuri ini..

cocoemonella said...

nak install sistem yg lg canggih ta de masa..
tp na tulis notes pnjg giler camni de mse plak si pncuri ni..

nurain said...

hahaha..sentap gile kalo ketua polis bace

yonz said...

anyway, ini mmg klako~ hahahahahhaha~