
Perut Ikan

Yeay! I am the new richie rich! (U)

Zimbabwe inflation hits 231 million per cent
malaysia's inflation rate is not more than 10% but the groceries are already quite  expensive. can u imagine 231,000,000%?

maybe u got a lot of money

with a 100billion zimbabwe,u  can only buy 3eggs 

with the current gold price 868usd/oz, 0.1 gram gold is worth approximately 6.25USD /RM22.6187 . mahal gila roti zimbabwe!! (kalau kira-kira aku betul lah.kalau salah,tolong betulkan)


the inflation rate is high, the money dont have any value, the groceries are expensive. duh~
who sould we blame actually?

Suka entri kali ni? follow/bookmark ikanstim sekarang sempena stok masih ada!


nurain said...



Admin said...

inflasi plg dahsyat di dunia

syahmijasrin said...

ish ish ish...
have project bout inflation...
gonna put this up...
ada jg info...
blur sda psl project economy...

Admin said...

tp rujuk lg sumber2 yg lain ok?
takut ada figure error

syahmijasrin said...

sudala antr ne mggu...
sandi oo ne econ...
thanks btw

Admin said...

mr azhan ka msh?
econ truk eh.
nda fhm apa pun
nsb bek b jgk

syahmijasrin said...

mr azhan jg...
xphm lngsung oo dia ajar...
sdala klas dia yg tym2 kick...
samada ptg atau tgh ari...
xpn yg jm8...
smua tym mamai2...
bgusnya b...
ne ntahla cmna econ ne...
hrp2 la dpt survive...

Admin said...

dpt tu
mr azhan xlokek bg mrkah wlaupun dia mgajar mcm apa ja

jizih said...

idea baru:
bawa seorang manusia dari sana untuk bawa emas.then upah orang tu kerja sini.dia dapat better life so as us.mcm?kih3~