
Perut Ikan

Dangerous insects (U)

These pics come with a short article(see below).i think this case happened in china.

Have you come across this insect ? 
Pls be very careful with this particular insect. It seems to be attacking quite a number of people these days. It is quite  poisonous 

- Consult a doctor immediately as if not the infection will spread  very 
- If you touch the wound, you must quickly wash your hands or else  it 
will spread to the next place you touch. - This insect does not sting or bite. It is its urine that is extremely acidic which causes the infection. 

There is a big scar on his hand. When he went to see a doctor,  that articular doctor too had a scar and it was also caused by  this same 
insect. This also came out in the chinese newspaper. For those of you who have children please ask them to  be careful and 
tell them about this so that they are aware of  this insect. 

Suka entri kali ni? follow/bookmark ikanstim sekarang sempena stok masih ada!


Anonymous said...

sama macam aku kena,,ubatnya mintak ngan doktor atau g farmasi nama ubat tu BETNOVATE 1:4..sekali jak sapu konfom kering..klu yg tggl dekat sawah lagi senang nak kena..

Anonymous said...

itu dia punya scar langsung hilang kah?

EnCik BaD said...

Serangga ni nama saintifiknyer Paederus fuscipes. Nama tempatan chali, semut kayap atau semut kijap. Banyak terdapat kat sawah bendang. Actually serangga ni benificial sebab jadi musuh semulajadi pada serangga perosak padi. Bahan kimia yang sebabkan rashes tu adalah pederin. Kalo serangga ni hinggap pada kulit, jangan tenyeh dia.

bArdoDol said...

huhu..binatang ni sgt dasat..byk a..huhu.terdapat di kwsan2 sawah..plaing dasat kt seberang perai dimana spe2 yg bljr kt uitm pnang n pltknik sbrg prai, mmg dh biasa ar jdik mgsanya.kalu jmper spe2 dkwsan sn yg jdik panda dek srgannya,phm2 jer ..haha.. jgn main2 ngn air dier,mnyak bhaya.huhu. suka dksan krana suka msuk rmah time mlm.

Admin said...

darn, seriously time aku upload gmbar ni, aku ingatkan serangga ni macam ada kat luar negara je

rupanya ramai dah kena penangan benda ni . seram pulak