
Perut Ikan

chernobyl victims (18SG)

helo everibodi. hows life?
njoying my entries ? lol
for my loyal readers, thanks for visiting my blog daily. for the new comers, u should be loyal too. hehe

here the next entry:

have u ever heard about chernobyl? here are the victims

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benazirjb said...

i'm scared. and i am so against nuclear power plant.

Admin said...

ill pay u to go tu the un

eekmall said...

kalau lah korang nak tau, nuclear lah tenaga paling selamat ngn jimat sekali kat dunia.

benda yang berlaku kat chernobyl, ukraine tu sbb kesilapan manusia.

TNB kita tu pakai petrol ngn coal power station. mende tu bukan je makan resource bumi kita yg dah memang sikit belaka ni, tp buat pencemaran yg kita sendiri mungkin tak sedar.

So, in one way, nuclear energy is the way to go! Kita cuma perlu latih orang kita untuk handle mende ni.

Admin said...

tak lama msia pun nk guna nuclear kan?