
Perut Ikan

new info about local art from our friend t.k.i

t.k.i said...

ermm bleh tak kalau seblum nak judge org tuh,buat research bebetul :sori,im not judging them and this chart is not a fact. i mentioned it already yg ni adalah based on my own personal view n apa yg saya tahu. no research hve been done. dats y t.k.i kata aku buat citer gebeng. lol. mmg agak gabeng pun

tau tak 84cube ngan bangkit adalah antara independant label yg tertua kt malaysia yg berjaya??? pastu takkan tak tau kot bangkit sponsor baju2 utk citer KAMI???tau2

pastu tau tak wearenvy dah byk gile buat baju utk band2 cam one buck short,pop shuvit,oh chentaku,estranged and byk lg...plus diorang pun dah byk kali klua magazine cam utopia,rottw..

pastu tau tak sebnanye independant first skali yg naik dan berjaya ialah wondermilk pasal diorang tahun 98 camtuh dah ade kedai kat damansara...time tuh ade ke street signal sumer nihhh?????

kalau stakat hujan yg femeskan baik takyah la...pasal ramai lg independant label yg dah pegi international...

korang jgn dgr citer gebang mamat nih...bkn nyer betul pun ranking die...suke2 je nak judge org~betul tu! ranking ni tidak diiktiraf mana2 magazine ataupun website yg di popular. ranking ni hanyalah personal view. tgkiu utk pndpat n info t.k.i


Admin said...

damn dude!
u r 16,tp mcm dah 26

nice one!
aku xtau lak street signal ade post buletin psl dorg dpt ranking aku!

mmg ranking ni personal view, xde research walau secebis pun

tp aku stuju dgn ko
saya jiwa kosong tu ntah pape .
xda usaha lgsung dlm produce dsgn

tq t.k.i! aku akan link kn ko kat blog aku

p/s- patutla unique visitor aku mningkat scara tba2!lol

Faisal Irshad bin Harun said...

Way to go t.k.i!!! informative comment yet powerful!!

Like your view.....research all that....at least my brain won't stuck with just brand critics view from farid...hahaha!!lek ko bos!! He's ma bos!

Hope 187 can get those achievements......

We need fresh ideas and design...not juz stupid quote and font like newbie fashion...sux!!I's not an art..it's hideous!

i'm not supporting both parties...i more prefer to gather the information from others,as you all know we are newbies here.....

so...once again....such a great comment dude!!

Future CorpSe said...

bukan bidang i
tak paham