
Perut Ikan

My all time favourite idea generator!

Hi readers, (esp for those who are involved direct or indirectly in tshirt industry) all of this great-super funky design i took from threadless . saja nk mmbntu sesiapa yg nk generate idea utk wat design2 bju.. i think its about time to stop talking about politics. haha..

Bread Barber by Patchadapim Sansiripun

Fe Man by Chris Thornley

mmm... oranges! by vwoop

The Last F*ckin' Unicorn by Dick Firestorm

Billy Says It's Haunted by Brian Cook

Baby Godzilla by Ding Lidong

cool isnt?do more research,put more effort on ur design, ull make ur clothing line the best in msia!


H a n e y S i z u k a said...

owh baju2an d threadless jg enak dilihat.jg boleh dijadikan sumber inspirasi.


anysxuaela said...

more than cool