Once upon a time, there is a sepasang kekasih sms ing ..
lelaki: hi syg. ada bca blog i today?
perempuan: hi b. uhm? ur blog? ada new post ke?
lelaki: ala.. yup. ad post baru. i wrote about a song yg i dono whos the singer. lol
perempuan: la.. i tot it was about me. haha. what about it? i mean, ur latest entry
lelaki: i asked 4 my readers to help me la. n they only managed to get the lyric n the song title
perempuan: aik? so whos the singer?
lelaki: still dono. duh (-.-')
perempuan: whats the song title? myb i noe :)
lelaki: erm, through my window. tau tak?
perempuan: ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! lagu tuuuuuuuuu
i dono la b. hehe =p
lelaki: ... u jgn buat i mrh ok
perempuan: i was joking la! itu pun nak mengamuk. pasal lagu je pun..jgnla mrh syg :)
lelaki: yela2. so? u tau x?
perempuan: kejap ye. i mms u gamba band tu. surf kt net td
beep beep (bunyi mms masuk) lalu si lelaki membukak mms tersebut..
lelaki: wtfish?!! r u kidding me?
perempuan: uhm? kiddin mende. gamba ni je yg i jumpa..
lelaki: bagus xyah bg td.. ishhh
perempuan: i nk tolong je pun.. i jumpa kat web nih www ..dorg ad fb ngan fs gak
lelaki: aik? yeke? tp dorang tak mention nama band dorg?
perempuan: uhm.. mcm xde plak. u try usha la b . facebook , friendster .. add la dorg. u obses sgt kan
lelaki: aiyo, y r they so secretive? band gimmick eh?
perempuan: mungkin. asal u nk tau sgt psl band ni? sampai mrh2 org..
lelaki: la... jgn la mrajuk.. sory k? :) lagu depa best. layan~ u try la dgr. nk i mms?
perempuan: try test :)
beep beep (sekali lagi bunyi mms) tapi kali ni kat hp perempuan tu pulak
lelaki: dpt? amacam? best x?
perempuan: alamak. xdpt bukak la b. corrupt. xleh donlod kt tenet?
lelaki: aah kan. sng lg u dnlod kt tenet je. nah link www
perempuan: okay b, l8r i dnlod. im hungry. jom mamam. tp ur treat. sbb u mrh2 i :(
lelaki: yela2. hehe. thnx tolong carikan psl band tu
perempuan: yeay! b's treat tonight! california grill k? saaaayang awak! :)))
lelaki: pisau cukur! lol. jom2.im starving jgk ni. ill fetch u in 10mins
perempuan: c u soon ! hee
Di restoren.. ini perbualan normal ok. bukan sms
lelaki: order please.
waitress: sorry, here u are (sambil menghulur menu) sorry lambat. (with a smile)
lelaki: it's ok. i would like a lamb chop with mashroom cravy and extra fries and vege
perempuan: gimme lasagna and chips and spaghtetti bolognese with extra meat balls
lelaki: haha. u sure are starving.
perempuan: hehe. give us iced root bir ok?
waitress: alright, i repeat ur order k, a lamb chop with mashroom cravy and extra fries and vege,
lasagna and chips and spaghtetti bolognese with extra meat balls. for drinks, iced root bir.
lelaki: yup. make it fast k. thanks (sambil bagi balik menu)
waitress: ok sir. err, you are the IkanStim blog writer right?
lelaki: huh? (tergamam seketika) yeah. how in the world did u know??
waitress: im one of ur loyal readers actually. (shes blushing! and my hidung kembang kempis already.haha) btw, about the song u r searching for , its from Bunkface .
(Refer this entry)
lelaki: eh? that through my window song? Bunkface? haha. really?? how did u know?
waitress: sam Bunkface is my ex school mate actually. i asked him about that song after u post about the mysterious song.
lelaki: really? wah.. such a famous friend u have. thanks for telling me (smiled braodly sebab bangga orang kenal.hahaha)
waitress: no biggies. dinner will be served in 10mins (senyum lagi)
lelaki: okay-okay (masih tersengih-sengih) hahaha.
Waahh. bahagia hidup kalau begitu . haha. dialog ni hanya rekaan semata-mata ok?
mesti girl friend aku tertanya-tanya "sejak bila kami pernah dinner di california grill ni?" haha.
dah-dah. tak nak mengarut dah. nak bukak facebook jap. nak add Bunkface@Everyoneconnects Gimik nak lebih je Bunkface nih. single baru ada kat radio tapi nama band tak nak bagitau. eh, dorang ada friendster jugak. tapi, masih ada orang guna frienster ke sekarang ni? hoho
p/s- y am i writing in peninsular slang?
Suka entri kali ni? follow/bookmark ikanstim sekarang sempena stok masih ada!
lelaki: wtfish?!! r u kidding me?
perempuan: uhm? kiddin mende. gamba ni je yg i jumpa..
lelaki: bagus xyah bg td.. ishhh
perempuan: i nk tolong je pun.. i jumpa kat web nih www ..dorg ad fb ngan fs gak
lelaki: aik? yeke? tp dorang tak mention nama band dorg?
perempuan: uhm.. mcm xde plak. u try usha la b . facebook , friendster .. add la dorg. u obses sgt kan
lelaki: aiyo, y r they so secretive? band gimmick eh?
perempuan: mungkin. asal u nk tau sgt psl band ni? sampai mrh2 org..
lelaki: la... jgn la mrajuk.. sory k? :) lagu depa best. layan~ u try la dgr. nk i mms?
perempuan: try test :)
beep beep (sekali lagi bunyi mms) tapi kali ni kat hp perempuan tu pulak
lelaki: dpt? amacam? best x?
perempuan: alamak. xdpt bukak la b. corrupt. xleh donlod kt tenet?
lelaki: aah kan. sng lg u dnlod kt tenet je. nah link www
perempuan: okay b, l8r i dnlod. im hungry. jom mamam. tp ur treat. sbb u mrh2 i :(
lelaki: yela2. hehe. thnx tolong carikan psl band tu
perempuan: yeay! b's treat tonight! california grill k? saaaayang awak! :)))
lelaki: pisau cukur! lol. jom2.im starving jgk ni. ill fetch u in 10mins
perempuan: c u soon ! hee
Di restoren.. ini perbualan normal ok. bukan sms
lelaki: order please.
waitress: sorry, here u are (sambil menghulur menu) sorry lambat. (with a smile)
lelaki: it's ok. i would like a lamb chop with mashroom cravy and extra fries and vege
perempuan: gimme lasagna and chips and spaghtetti bolognese with extra meat balls
lelaki: haha. u sure are starving.
perempuan: hehe. give us iced root bir ok?
waitress: alright, i repeat ur order k, a lamb chop with mashroom cravy and extra fries and vege,
lasagna and chips and spaghtetti bolognese with extra meat balls. for drinks, iced root bir.
lelaki: yup. make it fast k. thanks (sambil bagi balik menu)
waitress: ok sir. err, you are the IkanStim blog writer right?
lelaki: huh? (tergamam seketika) yeah. how in the world did u know??
waitress: im one of ur loyal readers actually. (shes blushing! and my hidung kembang kempis already.haha) btw, about the song u r searching for , its from Bunkface .
(Refer this entry)
lelaki: eh? that through my window song? Bunkface? haha. really?? how did u know?
waitress: sam Bunkface is my ex school mate actually. i asked him about that song after u post about the mysterious song.
lelaki: really? wah.. such a famous friend u have. thanks for telling me (smiled braodly sebab bangga orang kenal.hahaha)
waitress: no biggies. dinner will be served in 10mins (senyum lagi)
lelaki: okay-okay (masih tersengih-sengih) hahaha.
Waahh. bahagia hidup kalau begitu . haha. dialog ni hanya rekaan semata-mata ok?
mesti girl friend aku tertanya-tanya "sejak bila kami pernah dinner di california grill ni?" haha.
dah-dah. tak nak mengarut dah. nak bukak facebook jap. nak add Bunkface@Everyoneconnects Gimik nak lebih je Bunkface nih. single baru ada kat radio tapi nama band tak nak bagitau. eh, dorang ada friendster jugak. tapi, masih ada orang guna frienster ke sekarang ni? hoho
p/s- y am i writing in peninsular slang?
Suka entri kali ni? follow/bookmark ikanstim sekarang sempena stok masih ada!
p/s- y am i writing in peninsular slang?
Peninsular?? y? ko sabahan meh?? or sarawakian? ku x jumpa ko d fb! huuuu
la..bunkface ka rupanya..
ok..mystery solved! =)
la..bunkface ka rupanya..
ok..mystery solved! =)
sy pun suda suka sama ni lagu.hohoho
yup. sabahan :)
ct k- yaa bunkface. hantu betul bunkface ni
huhu~ must be the waitress tu org klang. cuz sam juga my skulmate :P
lgu throuh the window tu mavi yang nyanyi.. haha
eh jap..blur aku nii..
mmg ko ada jmpa ka waitress tuh frd?
ko ckp dialog rekaan semata2,,mesti kejadian pun rekaan smata2..hehe
atiey - wahh. kirim salam bunkface. haha
izzat- lagi lawak entri mamat tu. haha. xley blah kalau mawi btul2 nyanyi.hahahah
fa- xdelah. aku memang ada ramai peminat fa. hehe
apahal lak??sng gila,search kt ares terus tau bunkface ,apa laaa
hahaha hina
apa yg hina?
sebelum entri ni di tulis no one knows whos the singer
yep, amat's right mmg org tak tau,sebab mmg gimik kat radio...its a gimmick.i heard dekat radio jugak, diorg mmg purposely veil up the singer.
Ikan, imaginasi ko mmg tinggi...
awang the rapper
xsalah kan?
bila nak dtg sabah?
Dowh... aku tgh tgg ticket discount MAS. hahaha.
hmmm, i didn't knew it was Bunkface until few days ago....
my friend says its oversea artiste but i knew its local
tu la...dah menang Shout Awards ma Bunkface!!
dats y they are called bunked face
what m i talking about?
i personally like my own writing!
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