
Perut Ikan

Rare post (18PL)

I could say I rarely write an entry under 18PL label. Tapi nak buat macamana. Benda ni perlu di kongsi bersama. cekedout yo!

Suka entri kali ni? follow/bookmark ikanstim sekarang sempena stok masih ada!


nuruddin | Ray said...

say hello to that kid...
do we have to show our contempt??
no need, i guess...otherwise we are no other like them...

Khairieah said...

astaga. perlu kah statement itu?

Nadhirah said...

report karang mcm saiful bukhari buat tu baru tau. Perang terus.

Admin said...

bodoh kan?

izzat aziz said...

ni link asal blog tu..
tapi dah mati dh..


shandye. said...

terus tukar url katanya. hahaha. penakut!