
Perut Ikan

666 to 187

di tag oleh kak aida yg di tag oleh ah ben ( first time wat tag. haha. saja nak try skali )

1) Go to your photos folder in your computer.
2) Go to the 6th folder of photos.
3) Go to the 6th picture in that folder
4) Put the picture on your blog and description of it.
5) Invite six friends to join the challenge.
6) Link them in your blog and let them know they have been challenge.

ekceli dlm folder ke 6 my pics, xda gambar. hanya ada benda-benda yg di scan. gambar ni dari folder ke 6 dlm my pics folder yg plg byk gambar. boleh la kan?
ni time jadi drummer electronic utk konvo utp sem lps. drum utk team keroncong.muzik old skool gila. haha. dapat cash 140, dan voucher makan free di cafe utp selama seminggu. best kan? macam professional musician pulak.haha. baju tu pinjam org. vest (btul ka ejaan ni?) itam tu kena bagi oleh utp. siapa rasa dia nk wat benda ni, buat la.mlas nak tag orrang.

p/s- sori kepada sesiapa yg pernah tag, tapi aku tak buat tag tu. dulu-dulu malas nak buat. hari ni rajin pulak.


shakinah said...

gile kecik!

fa-aja-aja said...

sapa kecik? farid ka?
die mang kecik!

Admin said...

kecik mnde??