
Perut Ikan

Sarawak's Bujang Senang : Air Asia & Buaya (Part 1)

Warning: viewer discretion are advised

Hi guys, its me again and again again gain more weight. im very sorry for not posting any new post yesterday. ive been very busy with the busyness of the end of semester.tests,assignments etc. already seen the hollywood film ROUGE? the one with enormous crocodile that eat people. well, there is a true strory about it in sarawak. one of malaysia's state located in the borneo island. the croc is not as big as the one in rogue. but, it does eat human.

Scary huh? ill post the other pics later.

p/s- no worry to come visit sarawak. No croc will eat u for no reason. buy the low fare airline ticket from a.asia!(tony, dont forget to send me a 10k cheque for promoting ur airline!)


Nazrin said...


Future CorpSe said...

seksi. ahahahah

annenonymous said...

one of the people who caught this buaya is my colleague.. i saw the whole pic termasuklah gambar cebisan2 badan tu atas meja hospital..ngeri siot..